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It is time to take some photos!
Summer Contest has started: Participate to win $15,000!

Summer has officially started and it's going to be hot in the CryptoTab ecosystem! But an interesting journey always starts with an atmospheric start, so let's not waste any time! It's time for the Summer Contest!

Starting today every ecosystem user can unlock the stash of their creativity to take a stunning photo and compete for the $15,000 prize fund!

It doesn't take much! We want to celebrate the launch of CT Pool together with you, so to take part in the contest you'll need a photo with its logo in one of the categories!

Choose your favourite category, recreate the logo in real life and share the result on socials! And then just win incredible prizes and get loads of likes from other participants!

All the competition details are already waiting for you, just click the button below. Happy first day of summer!


Published: 01.06.2023

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