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We’ve updated the scheduler

Let your miners bring more income!

Let your miners bring more income!

We’re always working on adding new features and updating the old ones to make your mining more efficient and productive. This time we worked on improving the scheduler. Now you can fine-tune the settings, better distribute the miner load and make your miners bring you bigger profits!

With the updated scheduler, you can choose the load percentage by selecting any number from 5 to 100% (decrease/increase with a step of 5%), for comparison, before there were only 3 speed modes 25-50-100%. Choose whatever speed you think is right for your miner. Moreover, with the multiple hours selection option you can make your scheduler way faster, just use the clock icon button in the upper left corner when you set up the scheduler on your computer.

Another innovation is that you can see if the miner’s speed changes within one hour. This can come in handy if your miner and app have different time zones. Now the icon for each hour with several speeds will be painted in several colors that correspond to a certain speed. And you'll have a better understanding of when and at what speed your miner will work.

Go check it out yourself now. Adjust your settings more precisely and you will see how it boosts efficiency. Watch your income grow continuously!


Veröffentlicht: 24.08.2021

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