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Litecoin VISA card offers profitable crypto payment options

Easy crypto payment with Litecoin VISA

Thanks to the Litecoin Visa virtual card, synchronized with Apple, Google, and Samsung Pay, users can now pay for millions of goods and services with Litecoin and other popular cryptos in a matter of minutes.

According to the official Twitter account of the company, by September 2021 over 10 million sellers in different parts of the world are ready to accept payment by card with Litecoin Visa. The card provides instant deposit conversion without any transaction or exchange fees. Due to the built-in Apple Pay, Google Pay, and Samsung Pay support, users can deposit not only Litecoin but also Bitcoin, Ethereum, and Ripple to convert them into fiat. Another advantage of the card is the possibility of quick transfers abroad without long delays or extra verifications.

The Litecoin Card account will remain free, as the developers have promised, and the registration procedure will only take a few minutes: users will need to deposit funds, go through quick credentials check, get the virtual card, and safely make purchases wherever major credit cards are accepted. The monthly maintenance fee will not exceed $5.

The virtual card and mobile app, which greatly simplified cryptocurrency payments, are now available only in the United States, yet the developers claim to promote and provide access in at least 30 European countries soon.

*Litecoin (LTC) is a cryptocurrency, similar to Bitcoin, used both for exchange and payment for goods and services on many digital exchanges and wallets. Launched in 2011, Litecoin provides quicker and easier transactions than Bitcoin.

Veröffentlicht: 08.10.2021

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