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The Legend of CryptoTab: Age of Eggs
Level 3: Age of Eggs in Test Drive!

CT Pool Test Drive advances to level 3! Even more rewards, even more opportunities, even more income in BTC!

Yes! The mining-rpg is in full swing! CT Pool users have successfully completed the second level and we are moving on to the third level of the Test Drive. It's time for truly huge speeds and incredible rewards. The Age of Eggs has begun!

Starting today, CT Pool Test Drive features a collection based on unique smart contracts, The Legend of CryptoTab: Age of Eggs. Each token in this collection is a veritable treasure trove of rewards, features and capabilities, which can also give the owner up to 1,500,000 H/s for the entire duration of the Test Drive! But let's look at the features in order:

Each egg hides a valuable token from CryptoTab's official collections

The hatching process begins immediately upon purchase and you will receive a valuable token automatically into your wallet upon completion

You can level up your egg to restart the hatching process and mining, get new rewards, and increase their rarity

Each egg in the collection provides a different hash rate in the CT Pool. The rarer it is, the higher its rate

Hurry up! After all, each token in the collection is unique not only in appearance but also in functionality!


Published: 07.07.2023

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