Dear customers, we want to warn you against using fake CryptoTab products, as well as communicating with self-proclaimed company representatives.
You keep asking us about a CryptoTab Telegram bot. Here is the official answer: there are no CryptoTab bots on Telegram. This bot and others are made a scam. The only safe and legit way to withdraw money from your CryptoTab account is to make a request from a personal cabinet.
We also have nothing to do with groups and profiles on Facebook and other social media platforms that try to lure your funds under the guise of contests or promo activities. There is only one official CryptoTab group on Facebook. You'll find the link to it and to other social media profiles in the section below.
It's time to come together and start the journey toward spring. The cashback campfire is already burning, and users control its warmth. More purchases make the fire grow, increasing the cashback for the whole community — up to X5.
CT Pool bot on Telegram has just become even more rewarding! Now you can pay with Telegram Stars directly within the app: purchases made faster, easier, and more convenient.