Useful Tips

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Income with zero effort? Not a dream!

Get extra 15% of your referral's miner income

Get extra 15% of your referral's miner income

We can never say it enough: if you want to multiply your profit — become an Affiliate Program member!

You can earn much more without any extra effort. Just share your link or special code with your friends, and automatically receive a bonus equal to 15% of their mining! It applies to income from both Pool Miners and their own hardware!

Would you like to try it? There are two ways:

  • Invite your friends to install the CryptoTab Farm app through your personal link and start their mining journey as your referrals;
  • Give them your discount code, which they can enter in an already installed app and receive up to 15% off on every in-app purchase.

Join Affiliate Program and watch your revenue skyrocket!


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