Seems like it is time to earn a huge amount of BTC with no limits whatsoever. And we have a great way to do so — new CryptoTab NFT Mining #02!
For each NFT you receive additional +100,000 H/s to the hashrate until October 1 and after you will be able to take part in a grand exchange! Use as many tokens as you want, and increase your mining efficiency in CryptoTab Browser to earn more BTC — and this is just the beginning!

At the mining period finale, all NFT-holders will be able to participate in a unique exchange and become owners of NFT Discounter #01 or other innovative NFTs from the Live Eggs and Magic Live Eggs collections!
NFT Discounter #01 — gives a discount on a one-time purchase of any amount of tokens listed on the CryptoTab-Official listings.
Live Eggs and Magic Live Eggs — the world's first token collections that change their appearance directly on OpenSea. Share your Egg hatching progress with all users of the largest NFT marketplace and get a chance to extract tokens from the official CryptoTab collections worth up to 5,000 ETH right from the Egg!