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Easy way to speed mining up
To get passive income — be active

Passive income is not just a myth or a fancy buzz word — it is a reality which can easily become yours. But in order to obtain high & stable passive income, you should take some actions. Don't worry — they are exceedingly simple.

Minimize CryptoTab Browser® window, then open it again. See? The mining speed was about 2 or 3 times lower for the first moment. That's due to the mining algorithm peculiarities and OS restrictions: CryptoTab just can't use PC resources with maximum effectiveness when the window is inactive. Or maybe it just needs some attention from you 😉

However, the conclusion we can draw from all this is plain as a pikestaff: just use the browser to get a higher income. CryptoTab is not just a mining software with some sidekick web functionality. It is a full-featured browsing companion that will make you surf sessions truly pleasant and safe. So don't hesitate — use it and abuse it, and the sum on your CryptoTab account will grow much faster.

Start mining

Pubblicato: 01.07.2019

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