
Mais rápido e estável: CryptoTab Farm atualizado
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Mais rápido e estável: CryptoTab Farm atualizado

Permita-nos anunciar: acabamos de melhorar o CryptoTab Farm, portanto o gerenciamento da fazenda em seu smartphone ficou mais simples, mais conveniente e mais intuitivo.
Expansão das fazendas de mineração de criptomoedas ao redor do globo
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Expansão das fazendas de mineração de criptomoedas ao redor do globo

As Fazendas de Criptomoedas se destacam nas manchetes a cada semana, e o interesse por mineração explodiu. Enquanto isso, certas empresas se inclinam para a construção de suas próprias fazendas de mineração e buscam lucros maiores. Vamos dar uma olhada em algumas das grandes fazendas de criptomoedas e focar nas tendências recentes.
Why now’s the best time to start crypto mining
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Why now’s the best time to start crypto mining

In May 2021, a massive cryptocurrency crackdown happened in China: the government banned cryptocurrency mining in four major provinces. The clampdown led to the forced relocation of a solid number of both Chinese and international digital assets companies and brought about a drop in the bitcoin hash rate by more than 50%. The Chinese government's ultimate ban on financial institutions, including banks and online payment channels for applying cryptocurrency, then echoed around the world and hit the news reports of multiple crypto websites. According to Kevin Zhang, Vice President of Business Development at Chinese crypto company Foundry, by the end of June 2021, about 90% of Chinese miners were forced to completely stop mining digital assets.
Aumente os seus rendimentos com a nossa nova aplicação
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Aumente os seus rendimentos com a nossa nova aplicação

É com enorme prazer que lhe apresentamos o nosso novo produto, a CryptoTab Farm! Esta é uma oportunidade verdadeiramente única de criar a sua própria 'fazenda' de mineração, mesmo que só tenha um computador. Quer multiplicar os seus ganhos com a BTC? É fácil! Não precisa de gastar dinheiro em equipamento especial ou ter conhecimentos especializados. Ligue um número ilimitado de computadores, controle-os remotamente através do seu 'smartphone' e ajuste o horário de atividade para obter a mineração mais eficaz e lucrativa.
 Is BTC an Environmental Catastrophe?
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Is BTC an Environmental Catastrophe?

Lately, the number of headlines and tweets about Bitcoin’s energy use and potential environmental impact has grown. Does Bitcoin use too much energy? Is it possible to mine BTC using only 100% renewable energy sources? Let’s find the answers to these questions.
Blackouts in China Have Pushed Bitcoin’s Hashrate Down 49%
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Blackouts in China Have Pushed Bitcoin’s Hashrate Down 49%

Last weekend the Bitcoin network hashrate has dropped more than 49%, after hitting an all-time high at 218 exahash per second, reaching 169 EH/s. Immediately after that, regional reporter Colin Wu tweeted about power outages in China. “The hashrate of Bitcoin mining pools plummeted in 24 hours. Antpool fell by 24.5%, Btc.com fell by 18.9%, Poolin fell by 33%, Binance pool fell by 20%,” he said. “The reason is that Northwest China is undergoing a complete blackout for safety inspections.”
Miners earn more than $1.5 billion
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Miners earn more than $1.5 billion

March has become a profitable month for miners. According to data collected by The Block Research, they have earned more than $1.5 billion in March. This is an impressive number and the highest income earned by the mining sector in just one month. The record high in March surpasses February when miners earned $1.36 billion in this sector. New performance numbers show that miners have over $1 billion for each of the three months in a row!
Why do you need to start mining now?
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Why do you need to start mining now?

Bitcoin has surged over the last few months and is breaking new records. Experts predict the future of cryptocurrency, and global companies continue to invest more in BTC. The question is, will it continue to rise, and should you start the race for Bitcoins now?
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Os nossos utilizadores que acabaram de aprender sobre o navegador CryptoTab podem não saber disso, mas o projeto existe há 2 anos. Lançado como uma extensão, tornou-se um navegador independente com um recurso de mineração embutido.

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