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Earn while others wait!
Bitcoin Overload is Over: Let it flow again!

Bitcoin network overload has been a key industry news story in recent days. Chain metrics recorded a rapid increase in unconfirmed transactions and transaction fees on the Bitcoin network. Because of this, the cost of transactions has increased and they have been taking much longer than usual.

However, the moment of peak overload has passed! The network load is decreasing and the transaction queue is melting before our eyes!

And while the flow of Bitcoins is getting back on track, you have a great opportunity to seize the initiative and enjoy the income you deserve!

Pool Miners CT Pool

Try enhanced Bitcoin income, available on any device and in any browser. Millions of hashrate are waiting for you, plus there's a unique CT Pool Test Drive taking place right now that will allow you to try out the unique features and functions!


Pool Miners CT Farm

Or maybe it's time to take your farm to the next level? Pool Miners feature is available to every crypto farmer. Especially since you can activate any of the CryptoTab Farm subscriptions and get one Pool Miner as a bonus!


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